Thursday, November 1, 2007

If You Had No Fear....

What would your life be like if you had no fear? There are a number of things that we should be afraid of as humans. But there so many more things we shouldn't be afraid. It's funny how we choose to let the things we shouldn't be afraid of run our lives.

It is the little things that cause worry and doubt that have us crippled. It is the pondering of what may or may not happen that governs our lives. The reality is that the mental tug of war we have with our fears, usually ends with us laying face down in the mud of disappointment. Whenever a fearful situation presents itself, how do you react. When your faith is tested, how do you react? How often do you question what you are made of? How often do you look at the fear inside you?

The key is to strengthen our resolve and face our fear. In order to minimize what fear does to our hopes, skills, abilities, and aspirations, we must first decide to take on that fear, understand that fear is created by us, and then attack the fear with the intention of dissolving it's debilitating effects. Are you ready to face your fear factor?

I just posted "Fight Your Fear Factor"@

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